Launching soon.
Built on decades of expertise, daily insights from the FUSION TEMPO! Wind Tunnel, and close collaboration with the world's best triathletes, we've elevated the TEMPO! range to an unprecedented level of precision.
But precision means nothing if it isn’t personal.

Aerodynamics are individual. Your optimal helmet, position, or wheelset depends entirely on your speed. The gear that gives an edge to a pro at 45 km/h might actually hold you back at 32 km/h. Speed is nuanced. Aero is personal.
That’s why we went beyond generic testing and generic claims. Leveraging daily access to the TEMPO! Wind Tunnel, we test relentlessly, measure meticulously, and tailor obsessively, optimizing every construction, fabric, and detail specifically to realistic riding speeds.
The result?
A TEMPO! range that recognizes your unique speed profile, offering measurable performance at the speeds you actually ride.
Professional-grade technology. Precisely personal.